An International Student’s Faith Journey in Canada
by Elgie Lazaga
Elgie at Niagara Falls, Ontario
I moved to Toronto, Canada, in May 2023 to pursue a dream and a calling that continues to unfold. Growing up in a Catholic household, my family attended church every Sunday, thanks to my mother’s devotion. However, it wasn’t until after college that I truly experienced God actively pursuing me.
After graduating college, I struggled to find a stable job, jumping from one position to another. It was during this time that I was led to a Christian church in Cebu, Philippines – Citichurch, which ended up being a pivotal moment in my faith journey. I worked and served there for almost 5 years, developing deep relationships with the Lord through my pastors guidance who became like spiritual parents to me and church friends who became like my second family.
When I made the decision to move to Canada, I was determined to stay connected to a church and continue serving. However, the transition has not been easy. God eventually led me to a church where I continued serving and am attending up until now. Although there have been many challenges in being a volunteer, from adjusting to early call times for serving at Elevation Church, to struggling with my studies and finances as an international student, through it all, I've seen God's faithfulness in providing for me and sustaining me.
My relationship with God has grown deeper and more honest, as I've learned to be vulnerable and bring my doubts and questions to Him. Even in the midst of missing important family moments back home, I've found that Jesus has become my true home.
I have faced my share of challenges and difficulties as a Christian, which have at times affected my relationships and led to moments of isolation. However, I am deeply grateful for the community of leaders and friends who have reached out to support me. I know I need to be more proactive in reaching out as well, and I'm learning the importance of vulnerability, especially with fellow believers.
As I reflect on God's goodness in my life, the best way I can sum it up is with a question - "How can I thank you enough, Lord?" My daily life of service and gratitude is my way of trying to express my thankfulness for all He has done. I know I can never fully repay His faithfulness, but I am committed to living a life of gratefulness, humility and deep appreciation for His love and provision.